Stand Up for Good Broadband Jobs!

New York’s ConnectALL Office

We need your help! New York State is about to submit its plan to the Federal Government to spend nearly $1 BILLION on broadband deployment and we need to make sure our recommendations are included in the plan. With big funding dollars comes out of state, fly-by-night contractors looking to make a quick buck with cheap labor, and we need to make sure the work goes to highly-trained, unionized broadband technicians - us!


  1. Fiber-optic technology wherever and whenever possible!

  2. Prioritization of high-road employers who have:

    1. A directly-employed workforce

    2. Robust in-house training

    3. Locally based workforce

  3. Transparent and enforceable workforce plans

Sign the petition to help ensure that New York State’s plan on how to spend our broadband dollars includes these proposals.

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To: New York’s ConnectALL Office
From: [Your Name]

As New York’s ConnectALL office is preparing to invest over $1 billion to expand and upgrade high-speed broadband across the state, we urge the inclusion of labor standards into the State’s Initial Proposal due in December.

CWA is calling on the New York State ConnectALL office to establish the strongest possible labor standards for funded projects, and preference subgrantees who have a directly-employed workforce, robust in-house training programs, locally based hiring. We must make sure this funding stays in New York, and boosts local economies with good jobs.

Effective labor practices are part and parcel with program effectiveness, and effective labor management is intertwined with the operational, managerial, and technical capacity that applicants need to properly execute a publicly funded broadband project.

New York has the opportunity of a lifetime to ensure that each of its residents are connected with high-quality, high-speed, reliable and resilient broadband while creating and protecting good jobs in the industry. We urge the ConnectALL office to include these recommendations in your initial proposal.