Protect Frontline Essential Workers

AT&T Leadership

Our AT&T Mobility members continue to put their health and lives on the line without the company having our backs. Enough is enough. We're demanding better protections and benefits for our members. We must stand together to protect all essential worker rights!

We demand that AT&T:

1. Provide frontline workers PPE and tools to protect against contracting the virus, including N95 masks.

2. Require customers' temperature taken before service is provided and workers are provided thermometers to do this.

3. Require customers to take precautions from spreading the virus, including customers standing 6 feet away from workers and wearing masks when interacting with workers, which is enforced by management.

4. Stop threatening workers' jobs and steps of discipline for getting sick at work.

5. Provide extended paid leave for workers who are still sick due to the virus past the 10 currently allotted days, no matter their seniority.

6. Require management to educate workers on COVID guidelines and protocols.

7. Sanitize workplaces regularly and provide safe cleaning supplies as noted by the CDC.

To: AT&T Leadership
From: [Your Name]

CWA AT&T Purple Mobility members are struggling to survive while on the frontlines of this pandemic.

Workers were told they are essential but aren't being treated as such. Frontline workers have struggled with a lack of precautions taken by the company. The precautions lacking include providing high-quality masks, and safe cleaning products.

The burden is instead placed on the backs of workers while customers don't follow basic protocols, like wearing masks during curbside service or standing 6 feet away. All the while management does nothing to enforce AT&T's own guidelines.

Instead, management is focused on threatening workers' jobs and steps of discipline for workers getting sick on the job. This cannot continue.

We demand AT&T:

1. Provide frontline workers PPE and tools to protect against contracting the virus, including N95 masks.

2. Require customers' temperature taken before service is provided and workers are provided thermometers to do this.​

3. Require customers to take precautions from spreading the virus, including customers standing 6 feet away from workers and wearing masks when interacting with workers, which is enforced by management.

4. Stop threatening workers' jobs and steps of discipline for getting sick at work.

5. Provide extended paid leave for workers who are still sick due to the virus past the 10 currently allotted days, no matter their seniority.

6. Require management to educate workers on COVID guidelines and protocols.

7. Sanitize workplaces regularly and provide safe cleaning supplies as noted by the CDC.

We look forward to AT&T protecting both their workers and customers during this difficult time.