Our Call For Job Security Petition
Maximus CEO Bruce Caswell, Capitol Bridge CEO Nicholas Jordan, HHS Secretary Xavier Becerra, CMS Administrator, Chiquita Brooks-Lasure
- Provide minimum notice of 60 days for layoffs;
- In cases when minimum notice is not possible, provide severance of at least 60 days’ pay;
- Offer transfer opportunities to other Maximus contracts that are at least 60 days in advance of layoffs; not after;
- End the unfair attendance policy;
- Communicate with seasonal hires about their likely end date at the time of hire.
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Maximus CEO Bruce Caswell, Capitol Bridge CEO Nicholas Jordan, HHS Secretary Xavier Becerra, CMS Administrator, Chiquita Brooks-Lasure
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As federal call center workers, we provide services to vulnerable people every day: seniors and people without access to affordable healthcare call us for help, and we offer them respect and human care. Yet, our employer’s behavior causes many of us to live with constant anxiety that our jobs will be terminated and our lives will be turned upside down. This is not acceptable, nor is it necessary.
We refuse to be treated like numbers on a spreadsheet instead of human beings and dedicated professionals. It is time for Maximus to commit to fair treatment and transparency.
Last year more than 800 of our co-workers were terminated in only 6 months. Many were given notices of 10 days or less that their financial situation would drastically change. Management's explanations for the terminations were convoluted and confusing. Their claims that terminations were due to lack of work made no sense given that Maximus was otherwise hiring new employees and offering overtime hours. Now, less than a year later, as OEP is coming to an end, we are deeply concerned about our own job security.
Some of our coworkers have faced the profound impact of these past decisions. One of us found herself without a home after being unable to secure another job in time. She had no choice but to start living in her car. Another coworker faced a similar situation after she was laid off twice in the same year. This is unacceptable!
Living under the constant fear of losing your job creates an atmosphere of perpetual anxiety, significantly impacting our mental health and ability to bring our best selves to work. We are raising our collective voices together to say enough is enough!
We demand:
- minimum notice for layoffs: at least 60 days;
- if minimum notice is not possible, workers should receive severance of at least 60 days
- proactive transfer opportunities to other Maximus contracts that are offered at - least 60 days in advance of terminations; not after;
- end the unfair attendance policy;
- proactive communication with seasonal hires about their likely end-date at the time of hire.
It's time for Maximus to recognize the toll this situation takes on the workforce, prevent further hardships, and establish policies that prioritize the long-term success and sustainability of 1-800 Medicare and Marketplace call center employees through a fair, transparent, and compassionate approach to job security.