I Pledge to Vote for Jim Gaughran for State Senate

CWA is proud to endorse Jim Gaughran for State Senate in District 5.

We support Jim for State Senate because of his commitment to strong public schools for all children, to make sure we have good union jobs, and to end the culture of corruption in our government.

Will you commit to vote for Jim Gaughran on the Working Families line on November 8?

Jim Gaughran will fight for working people by:

  • Fight corruption in politics: Jim supports comprehensive campaign finance reform including banning outside income for legislators, and closing the LLC loophole that cover up big corporate donors.
  • Fight for good jobs: Jim supports CWA’s efforts to build FiOS across New York that will create good jobs and build broadband infrastructure for all communities.
  • Fight for adequate funding for public schools: Jim is committed to strong public schools, including involving the community in education decisions, ensuring public dollars aren’t diverted to for-profit charter schools, and pushing back on Common Core that punishes children and teachers for not testing well.

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